Engineering a Production Ready Flutter App with Casey Daniel

Building a professional grade mobile app is not easy. A lot of effort goes into making your app bug free, performant, pleasant to use and maintainable over time. This gets easier with years of experience and it is helpful to have a coach to help you master these skills.

Our guest on this episode is Casey Daniel. Casey has been a professional mobile developer for 5 years and he wants to help other people become professional mobile developers by helping them bridge the divide from building toy apps to building industrial strength and maintainable apps.

Casey has recently turned his focus to Flutter app development for applications in the healthcare space. Casey joins the show to discuss his experience and lessons learned in building production ready mobile apps. Casey also talks about the content he is creating to help others get skilled up as professional developers.

01:20 Casey's Background

04:48 What goes into building a mobile app

06:03 Clean architecture

07:25 Skills / specializations in an app development team

09:46 Best practices in mobile app development

12:13 Flutter mobile app development

14:47 Packages and Plugins

16:38 Flutter Animations

18:38 Unit testing / UI testing

20:04 Analytics monitoring / crash reporting

22:27 Internationalization / Localization


29:30 Favorite Flutter apps

30:27 Casey's blog, YouTube channel and podcast

31:44 How to connect with Casey online



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